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Tips to keep children safe from electricity

Tips to keep children safe from electricity

Published: October 10, 2019 Last Updated: June 01, 2021

Children by nature are very curious little creatures. They love to explore their surroundings and can often put themselves in danger without meaning to.Electricity is a fascinating resource, it appears to almost work like magic and can be extremely intriguing for young children.

Children by nature are very curious little creatures. They love to explore their surroundings and can often put themselves in danger without meaning to.

Electricity is a fascinating resource, it appears to almost work like magic and can be extremely intriguing for young children.

Parents need to be vigilant and ensure their children remain safe from the dangers of electricity as playing around with electricity can be fatal.

Here, Watmar Electrical Contractors, Gold Coast electricians share some tips for our readers on how to keep children safe from electricity.

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Childproof power points

There are several types of safety plugs available that ensure a child cannot poke something into an electrical outlet. These reduce the ability for sharp, metals objects to be inserted into a power point.

Store appliances appropriately

Never leave appliances such as hairdryers or toasters plugged in when unattended. Always store away electrical appliances out of children’s reach when finished with them.

Secure extension leads

Ensure children cannot tamper with any extension leads or power boards. Stow them behind furniture, under mats or tape them down if necessary.

Secure heavy electrical items

Heavy and large electrical items such as big screen TV’s should be secured in a way so that they don’t pose a risk of falling onto children if they are climbed on.

Keep water away from electricity

Ensure when children are showering or bathing there are no electrical appliances plugged in near them. Also, ensure children are thoroughly dried after showering or bathing before the go near any electrical appliances. Keep any liquids the children may have for example drinks or bottles, away from electrical appliances.

Replace any faulty or broken power points

Power points that don’t work properly, have the switch pushed through the back plate or have a burning smell need to be replaced or repaired immediately

by a licensed Watmar Electrical Contractors electrician.

Replace any faulty appliances

Do not allow children near any faulty electrical appliances. These should be disposed of immediately to reduce the risk of electric shock or electrocution.

Have an RCD installed

A residual current device (RCD) installed by a licensed Watmar Electrical Contractors electrician can cut the electricity supply immediately if a leak is detected in the current, which could save a child from an electric shock or electrocution.

By following the simple tips outlined above, you will help to keep your children safe from the dangers of electricity. As they get older, we recommend educating your children about the hazards of electricity and how to use it safely.

If you have concerns about the electrical safety of your Gold Coast home or perhaps would like an RCD or an electrical appliance installed, call the Gold Coast’s leading electrical contractors, Watmar Electrical Contractors on 07 5665 9820.

We have a team of highly qualified and experienced emergency, residential, commercial and strata electricians on hand.

Our reputation is for respected, exceptional service and attention to detail. Experience the Watmar Electrical Contractors difference today!

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