Why every house must have smoke alarms
Published: October 10, 2019 Last Updated: March 01, 2021
Every home in Australia should have a smoke alarm to keep the occupants safe from a house fire.
Watmar Electrical Contractors wholeheartedly agree every home should have a smoke alarm but unfortunately some don’t.
Now, it is longer a case of should have a smoke alarm, but a case of must have! It is now mandatory that every home has a smoke alarm.

The Government has decreed all owners of all houses and units in Queensland must install at least one smoke alarm.
Homes built or significantly renovated since 1997 must have hard-wired (240 volt) smoke alarms, installed by a licensed electrician, while homes built prior to 1997 must have at least one 9 volt battery powered alarm.
Having a smoke alarm can significantly increase you and your family’s chances of survival during a house fire.
Photoelectric smoke alarms are the more popular choice over the previous ionisation version as they are particularly responsive to smouldering fires and are less prone to nuisance cooking alarms.
A fire can take hold of a property within minutes so it is imperative you are given enough warning to safely evacuate all occupants of your property.
If you are a landlord, you have a responsibility to your tenants to ensure the smoke alarms in your investment property are compliant with current smoke alarm regulations. You could be held liable if they aren’t.
If you are not sure if your smoke alarms are working properly or are compliant, call Watmar Electrical Contractors today on 07 5665 9820.
You would hate to bet your family’s life or your tenants life on an outdated, faulty or non-compliant smoke alarm in the event of a house fire.
Don’t delay, call our Gold Coast electricians today on 07 5665 9820. We will have one of our experienced and licensed electricians check your smoke alarms so you can continue to sleep safe and sound.